
This page provides a brief explanation of the workflow to perform APR calculations with pAPRika. For more detail users are recommended to go through the tutorials, which details further on how to setup and run APR simulations from start to finish.


Flowchart of the paprika workflow for a typical APR simulation.

Structure Preparation

Aligning the host-guest complex

The starting structure for the APR simulation can be configured with paprika. The APR calculation is most efficient in a rectangular box with the long axis parallel to the pulling axis (reduces the number of water molecules in the system). To make this easy to set up, the Align module provides functions to shift and orient a structure. For example, we can translate a structure to the origin and then orient the system to the \(z\)-axis by running

from import *

translated_structure = translate_to_origin(structure)
aligned_structure = zalign(translated_structure, ":GST@C1", ":GST@C2")

Adding dummy atoms

To provide something to pull “against,” we add dummy atoms that are fixed in place with strong positional restraints. These dummy atoms can be added to a the host-guest structure using the Dummy Atoms module in paprika.

from import add_dummy

structure = dummy.add_dummy(structure, residue_name="DM1", z=-6.0)
structure = dummy.add_dummy(structure, residue_name="DM2", z=-9.0)
structure = dummy.add_dummy(structure, residue_name="DM3", z=-11.2, y=2.2)"aligned_with_dummy.pdb", overwrite=True)

We will need the mol2 and frcmod files for the dummy atoms, which we will need to generate the AMBER topology

dummy.write_dummy_mol2(residue_name="DM1", filepath="complex/dm1.mol2")
dummy.write_dummy_mol2(residue_name="DM2", filepath="complex/dm2.mol2")
dummy.write_dummy_mol2(residue_name="DM3", filepath="complex/dm3.mol2")

Building the topology

Finally, we can use the tleap wrapper to combine all of these components to generate the topology and coordinate files.

from import TLeap

system = TLeap()
system.output_prefix = "host-guest-dum"
system.pbc_type = None
system.neutralize = False

system.template_lines = [
    "source leaprc.gaff",
    "HST = loadmol2 host.mol2",
    "GST = loadmol2 guest.mol2",
    "DM1 = loadmol2 dm1.mol2",
    "DM2 = loadmol2 dm2.mol2",
    "DM3 = loadmol2 dm3.mol2",
    "model = loadpdb aligned_with_dummy.pdb",

Solvating the structure

The TLeap wrapper also provides an API for choosing water models when the user wants to solvate their structure. tleap provides a number of models for both 3-point and 4-point water models. There are also sub-types for each water model, e.g. for TIP3P we can choose to use the ForceBalance optimized variant called TIP3P-FB or the host-guest binding optimized model called Bind3P. To choose a water model for solvation we use the set_water_model method of the TLeap wrapper. The method requires the user to specify the water model and optionally the sub-type as the model_type attibute. The supported water models are:

  • spc: None (SPCBOX), “flexible” (SPCFWBOX), “quantum” (QSPCFWBOX)

  • opc: None (OPCBOX), “three-point” (OPC3BOX)

  • tip3p: None (TIP3PBOX), “flexible” (TIP3PFBOX), “force-balance” (FB3BOX)

  • tip4p: None (TIP4PBOX), “ewald” (TIP4PEWBOX), “force-balance” (FB4BOX)

Below is an example for solvating a system with 2000 TIP3P water molecules with ForceBalance optimized parameters.

from import TLeap
from import PBCBox

system = TLeap()
system.output_prefix = "host-guest-dum"
system.pbc_type = PBCBox.rectangular
system.target_waters = 2000
system.set_water_model("tip3p", model_type="force-balance")

system.template_lines = [
    "source leaprc.gaff",
    "HST = loadmol2 host.mol2",
    "GST = loadmol2 guest.mol2",
    "DM1 = loadmol2 dm1.mol2",
    "DM2 = loadmol2 dm2.mol2",
    "DM3 = loadmol2 dm3.mol2",
    "model = loadpdb aligned_with_dummy.pdb",

Defining Restraints


In APR calculations we apply restraints on the host (or protein) and the guest molecules. The restraints can be grouped into four categories: (1) static restraints, (2) varying restraints, (3) wall restraints and (4) positional restraints. The equilibrium target values and force constants can be specified as either a float or Pint quantity through the openff-units wrapper.

(1) Static Restraints

Static restraints do not change during the whole APR process and do not affect the free energy. We apply static restraints on the host (or protein) molecule to orient the host/protein degrees of freedom. The static restraints are composed of distance, angle, and torsional (DAT) restraints based on the choice of anchor atoms. For host-guest systems, we need to define three anchor atoms [H1,H2,H3] and combined with three dummy atoms [D1,D2,D3], we apply a total of six static restraints on the host molecule (three for the translation and three for orientation).

To generate static restraints we use the function static_DAT_restraints. As an example, to apply a distance restraint on D1 and H1 with a force constant of 5 kcal/mol/\(Å^2\) we call

from openff.units import unit
from paprika.restraints import static_DAT_restraint

k_dist = 5.0 * unit.kcal / unit.mole / unit.angstrom ** 2

 dist_static = static_DAT_restraint(
     restraint_mask_list = [D1, H1],
     num_window_list = windows,  # list: [len(attach_lambda), len(pull_windows), len(release_lambda)]
     ref_structure = structure,  # Structure file (PDB) or ParmEd structure object
     force_constant = k_dist,

The equilibrium target for the harmonic restraint is estimated from the ref_structure.

(2) Varying Restraints

As the name suggests, these restraints change during the APR process. During the attach and release phases, the force constants of these restraints changes. In the pull phase, varying restraints can have their equilibrium position change, and this can be used as the restraint to pull the guest molecule out of the host molecule.

To generate varying restraints, we use the DAT_restraint class. The code below shows a restraints r that starts from 6.0 Å to 24 Å in the pull phase and stays restrained at 24 Å during the release phase.

from paprika.restraints import DAT_restraint

r_init = 6.0 * unit.angstrom
r_final = 24.0 * unit.angstrom
k_dist = 5.0 * unit.kcal / unit.mole / unit.angstrom ** 2

r = DAT_restraint()
r.mask1 = D1
r.mask2 = G1
r.topology = structure
r.auto_apr = True
r.continuous_apr = True

r.attach["target"] = r_init
r.attach["fraction_list"] = attach_lambda
r.attach["fc_final"] = k_dist

r.pull["target_final"] = r_final
r.pull["num_windows"] = len(pull_windows)

r.release["target"] = r_final
r.release["fraction_list"] = [1.0] * len(release_lambda)
r.release["fc_final"] = k_dist



The DAT_restraint class can also be used to apply conformational restraints on the host and/or guest molecule. For example, distance “jack” and dihedral restraints can be applied to cucurbiturils and cyclodextrins host molecules, respectively, to make the binding site more accessible.

(3) Wall Restraints (optional)

Wall restraints are half-harmonic potentials that is useful for preventing guest molecules from leaving the binding site (for weak binding) or preventing the guest molecule from flipping during the attach phase. We still use the DAT_restraint class to generate the restraints but will use the custom_restraint_values method to generate the half-harmonic potential.


custom_restraint_values follows the AMBER NMR-restraint format, see Chapter 27 in the AMBER20 manual for more details.

Below is an example for generating a “lower wall” restraint that prevents the angle of [D2,G1,G2] from decreasing below 91 degrees.

r_wall = 91.0 * unit.degrees
k_wall = 200.0 * unit.kcal / unit.mole / unit.radians ** 2

wall_orient = DAT_restraint()
wall_orient.mask1 = D1
wall_orient.mask2 = G1
wall_orient.mask3 = G2
wall_orient.topology = structure
wall_orient.auto_apr = True
wall_orient.continuous_apr = True

wall_orient.attach["num_windows"] = attach_fractions
wall_orient.attach["fc_initial"] = k_wall
wall_orient.attach["fc_final"] = k_wall

wall_orient.custom_restraint_values["r1"] = k_wall
wall_orient.custom_restraint_values["r2"] = 0.0
wall_orient.custom_restraint_values["rk2"] = k_wall
wall_orient.custom_restraint_values["rk3"] = 0.0


(4) Positional Restraints

Positional restraints in APR simulations are applied to the dummy atoms. Together with static restraints, this provides a laboratory frame of reference for the host-guest complex. Different MD programs handles positional restraints differently. For example, in AMBER you can define positional restraints in the input configuration file using the ntr keyword (Chapter 19 in the AMBER20 manual). For other programs like GROMACS and NAMD that uses Plumed, positional restraints can be applied using the method add_dummy_atom_restraints().


tleap may shift the coordinates of the system when it solvates the structure. Applying the positional restraints before the solvating the structure may lead to undesired errors during simulations. Therefore, special care needs to be taken when applying positional restraints. Take a look at tutorials 5 and 6 to see this distinction.

Creating the APR windows and saving restraints to file

To create the windows for the APR calculation we need to parse a varying restraint to the utility function create_window_list. This function will return a list of strings for the APR protocol

window_list = create_window_list(restraints_list)
["a000", "a001", ..., "p000", "p001", ...]

It may also be useful to save both the windows list and the restraints to a JSON file so you do not need to redefine again. The restraints can be saved to a JSON file using the utility function save_restraints.

from import save_restraints
save_restraints(restraints_list, filepath="restraints.json")

import json
with open("windows.json", "w") as f:
    dumped = json.dumps(window_list)

Extending/adding more windows

Sometimes it may be necessary to add more windows in the APR calculation due to insufficient overlap between neighboring windows. For convenience we can add the windows at the end of the current list instead of inserting them in order. For example, let’s say that we have a defined a restraint that spans from 8.4 to 9.8 Å and we want to add three windows between 8.6 and 9.0 Å.

{'fc': 10.0,
 'target_initial': None,
 'target_final': None,
 'num_windows': None,
 'target_increment': None,
 'fraction_increment': None,
 'fraction_list': None,
 'target_list': array([8.4, 8.6, 9. , 9.4, 9.8])}

We will just need to append the target_list of this dictionary and reinitialize the restraints

r_restraint.pull["target_list"] = np.append(r_restraint.pull["target_list"], [8.7, 8.8, 8.9])
{'fc': 10.0,
 'target_initial': None,
 'target_final': None,
 'num_windows': None,
 'target_increment': None,
 'fraction_increment': None,
 'fraction_list': None,
 'target_list': array([8.4, 8.6, 9. , 9.4, 9.8, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9])}

We can save the updated restraints to a new file and pass it to the analysis script. The fe_calc class will take care of the window ordering thus there is no need to manually order the windows.

Running a Simulation

paprika provides wrappers with the Simulate module for a number of MD engines enabling us to run the simulations in python.

from paprika.simulate import AMBER

simulation = AMBER()
simulation.executable = "pmemd.cuda"
simulation.gpu_devices = "0"

simulation.path = "simulation"
simulation.prefix = "equilibration"
simulation.coordinates = "minimize.rst7"
simulation.ref = "host-guest-dum.rst7"
simulation.topology = "host-guest-dum.prmtop"
simulation.restraint_file = ""


# Positional restraints on dummy atoms
simulation.cntrl["ntr"] = 1
simulation.cntrl["restraint_wt"] = 50.0
simulation.cntrl["restraintmask"] = "'@DUM'"

print(f"Running equilibration in window {window}...")


Once the simulation is complete, the free energy can be obtained using the Analysis module, which will also estimate the uncertainties using the bootstrapping method. There are three types of methods that you can do with the Analysis module: (1) thermodynamic integration with block-data analysis (“ti-block”), (2) multistate Benett-Acceptance-Ratio with block-data analysis (“mbar-block”), and (3) multistate Benett-Acceptance-Ratio with autocorrelation analysis (“mbar-autoc”).

from paprika.analysis import fe_calc
from import load_restraints

restraints_list = load_restraints(filepath="restraints.json")

free_energy = fe_calc()
free_energy.prmtop = "host-guest-dum.prmtop"
free_energy.trajectory = ''
free_energy.path = "windows"
free_energy.restraint_list = restraints_list
free_energy.methods = ['ti-block']
free_energy.ti_matrix = "full"
free_energy.bootcycles = 1000

We can also estimate the free energy cost of releasing the restraints on the guest molecule semianalytically. To do this we need to extract the restraints that is specific to the guest molecule. The extract_guest_restraints function from the restraints module and pass this to the analysis object.

import parmed as pmd
from paprika.restraints.utils import extract_guest_restraints

structure = pmd.load_file("guest.prmtop", "guest.rst7", structure=True)
guest_restraints = extract_guest_restraints(structure, restraints_list, guest_resname="GST")

The results are stored in the variable results as a python dictionary and you can save this to a JSON file.

-3.82139135698 kcal/mol


The processed simulation data can also be saved to a JSON file so that you do not need to re-read the MD trajectories if you need to do further analysis.
